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Highway Struma, 1362
km 1

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Carburante Prezzo ОМВ България ООД carta Save&Drive
Super 95 2,74 BGN/l 2,67 lev/l
Дизелово гориво Diesel 2,78 BGN/l 2,71 lev/l
Газ Пропан Бутан Autogas 1,34 BGN/l 1,31 lev/l
MaxxMotion 100 3,19 BGN/l 3,04 lev/l
MaxxMotion Diesel 3,17 BGN/l 3,02 lev/l

I prezzi sono approssimativi

Andy Parkes
Google Places© на 03.03.2023

Clean. Tidy. Speak English. Prices reasonable.

Sakis Roumeliotis
Google Places© на 15.12.2022

Good fuels quality, perfect service

Iven Maniscalco
Google Places© на 23.08.2022

When I took fuel for the car I was informed that I would be eligible for a discount on the fuel I paid that was over 150lev however when I went to pay they told me that for some reason they where not able to provide the discount. Other fuel stations had cheaper prices but was recommended to go there due to the discount.

Jahadul Alam
Google Places© на 26.04.2022

For quick stop this would be a sweet place where u get lots of food choices. Inside is clean and cashier kind and helpful. Pricing is moderate compared to rest around. Pay and go toilet, and is very clean. You will get quick snacks, ice-cream, hot foods, coffee, sodas, beers, some gift items and also some automobile stuff.

Vlado Ninov
Google Places© на 25.01.2022

Неадекватен персонал, само едно момче за зареждане на гориво за 8-10 колонки, което дори върши друга работа (почиства кошовете с боклуци) и реално не съдейства, за по-бързото обслужване на клиентите. Отговорничката на бензиностанцията, не даде логично обяснение за ситуацията. Касиерките са ОК.

Владимир Димитров
Google Places© на 28.12.2021

Любезен персонал, чисто и заредено. Обслужват бързо на колонките.

Андон Поцков (Тони А.В.П.)
Google Places© на 27.11.2021

Става но малко скъпичко даже бая скъпичко

Стефан Иванов
Google Places© на 21.10.2021

Чисти тоалетни и любезен персонал.Високи цени,модерна бензиностация

Georgi Belchev
Google Places© на 27.05.2021

One of those gas stations where you will be filled with 30 liters in a 25 liter bottle. Една от онези бензиностаци дето могат да сипят 30 литра газ в 25 литрова бутилка....

Aleksander Petrov
Google Places© на 10.02.2021

I've been waiting for this gas station to open for a long time, now that it's open I stopped refueling, but I was a little disappointed with the service. There was only one employee who had another job and everything happened quite slowly. But overall I'm happy with the gas station.

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20 maggio

умерен дъжд
11°C 19°C

21 maggio

умерен дъжд
10°C 21°C

22 maggio

интензивен дъжд
10°C 22°C

previsto da OpenWeatherMap.org

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